- 2019-6-26
- ライブ

SAT 7/27 : Bennett-Kuroda plus Sami Elu
SAT 7/27 : Bennett-Kuroda plus Sami Elu
at BPM, Ikejiri Ohashi, Tokyo
open 19:30 / start 20:00 entry: 3000 + drink
BUT… Bennett-Kuroda fans INVITED pay half price, 1500 yen! And you are ALL invited! Just tell them at the door you are INVITED by Bennett-Kuroda!
This will be the 1st time Bennett-Kuroda has played this nice and stylish venue in Monzen-Nakacho, and like last time, this will be a double bill with the amazing “chopsticks piano” player Sami Elu. Check out this YouTube clip of Sami in action, he’s really something. Here’s another one. And here’s Sami Elu’s official FB page.
BPM (Beats Per Moment) website HERE
Below: screenshot of map to BPM. Need more detail? Go to the Google Map.